
This work is done in rental house at Shaqlawa/Erbil city and It has been adapted to be a typical miniature field for experiment. (two month rearing ),for native layer at age (35week). Aimed of this experiment to investigate the effect of dietary 5% individual powder of black seeds, garlic and grinding of lettuce leaves on performance and egg quality traits of layer Hens. Atotal number of 64 layer distributed for four treatments, each of treatment included 16 hen and 4 cock, The treatments were as follows : T1 (control) without any addition, T2: 5% black cumin seeds powder, T3: 5% garlic powder, T4 : 5% lettuce leaves grinding. Result observed that T4 impact to improve the egg performance and color yolk egg, best value pointed in T1 for eggs phenotype characterized further for Albumin, yolk length/cm and significant (P≤0.05) with other treatments. Results also shown in T3 were the best value for egg shell strength (Kg/cm2). T2 observed better value for thickness, egg shell weight/g and percentage of egg shell. T3 obtained best value for yolk height and yolk Albumin index egg and H.U, followed by T2.

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