
Six experiments were conducted to study the effect of diet on growth and plasma ascorbic acid in chickens. D-Glucuronolactone failed to improve growth with either a crude yeast-fish meal diet or a purified diet based on casein and gelatin. With the purified diet, D-glucuronic acid and L-gulonolactone also failed to improve growth and did not influence plasma ascorbic acid levels. Dietary ascorbic acid improved growth of chicks with a purified diet in most cases, but not with a corn-soybean diet. Meat meal and fish meal caused slight increases in plasma ascorbic acid, whereas soybean meal, safflower meal, and cottonseed meal caused greater increases when used in a purified diet. Gulonolactone oxidase activity in the kidney was not different between chicks fed the purified or the corn-soybean diets, but was reduced by 0.1% dietary ascorbic acid. The mechanism for the increase in plasma ascorbic acid with the addition of soybean meal and other plant protein sources to the diet is not known.

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