
Sandhigatavata is one of the Vata Vyadhi characterized by the symptoms as Sandhi Shoola and Sandhi Sphot. Most middle-aged and older adults experience degenerative joint disorders with symptoms such as swelling, pain on flexion and extension. Symptoms of Sandhigatavata exhibit apparent similarity with that of osteoarthritis, a degenerative disorder that occurs when articular cartilage wears down and the failure of diarthrodial joint. A Single clinical case study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Dashmoola Ksheera Janu Basti and Jatamayadi Upanaha in Janu Sandhigatavata. Dashmoola Siddha Khseera was freshly prepared, used in Sthanik Janu Basti and Jatamayadi Upanaha applied externally over the affected knee joints of the patient for 1-2 hrs daily, for 21 days. After the treatment, the patient experienced significant relief and observed visible reduction in predominant symptoms.

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