
Abstract This study is a part in assessing the role of crude papain, in poultry feed, produced from papaya plantsas a natural resources that are widely available in the humid tropics regions as well as in Indonesia. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of crude papain extract adding in two physical forms of diets on digestibility of broiler chicken. Ninety-six male broiler chickens were randomly divided in eight treatments combination using the completely randomized design in 4 X 2 factorial arrangements with three replications, each consisted of four chickens. The factors were physical form of ration (mash and pellet) and crude papain extract level (0, 0.03, 0.05, and 0.07% of diets). The variables measurement were apparent digestibility of dry matter, protein, and energy metabolizable corrected by nitrogen balance (AMEn). An interaction (P 0.05) found on protein digestibility or on apparent energy metabolizable corrected by nitrogen balance (AMEn). The digestibility of the chickens fed diet adding with 0.05% of crude papain extract in mash form was higher than in the pellet form.

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