
Crossed-perfusions of homologous loci of the mesencephalic reticular formation were carried out on pairs of “encéphale isolé” cats in order to detect the possible secretion of a chemical substance mediating electrocortical synchronization and desynchronization. Special care was taken in quantitatively determining (i) the precise site and diffusion of perfusates in different brain stem structures by scintillographic radioactivity determination of a 14C-labeled cerebrospinal fluid used as perfusate solution; (ii) the spontaneous variations in the amount of electroencephalogram (EEG) synchrony by determining changes in concentration of delta EEG waves and amplitude of cortical recruiting responses; and (iii) possible variations in hydrodynamic function of the perfusion system reflected in changes in body temperature, electrocardiogram rate, and blood pressure. The results showed that perfusion of the tegmental mesencephalic reticular formation (with maximal radioactivity in the ipsilateral formation) with perfusate with possible desynchronizing properties significantly reduced the concentration of delta waves and the amplitude of recruiting responses under stable conditions of temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure.

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