
Conclusions and summaryOn the basis of studies using the slide cell technic to determine the effect of human C-reactive protein on normal human leukocytes, the following conclusions are indicated. 1. Purified human C-reactive protein in final concentrations higher than 0.005 mg/cc destroys normal human leukocytes. 2. Purified human C-reactive protein in lower concentrations stimulates the migration of normal human leukocytes. 3. C carbohydrate, sodium citrate, and normal human serum protein do not stimulate normal human leukocytes in the concentrations employed in this study. 4. The acute phase human sera tested caused increased migration of normal human leukocytes by virtue of their content of C-reactive protein. 5. Human serum diminishes at least in part in the toxic effect of the C-reactive protein on normal human leukocytes.

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