
A field experiment was conducted during kharif 2018 in the farmer’s field at Agadi village (Tq: Hubballi) in Dharwad district to investigate the “Effect of cow urine foliar spray on yield and economics of Byadgi chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) In a Vertisol”. Experiment consisted of 12 treatments with three replications. Results revealed that, two foliar applications of 15 per cent cow urine one each at 60 and 90 DAT recorded highest fruit yield (14.07 q ha-1) which was on par with two foliar applications at ten per cent (13.06 q ha-1). Cost of cultivation was maximum (Rs. 44,725 ha-1) for the treatments that received 5, 10 and 15 per cent cow urine at 60 + 90 DAT respectively, closely followed by treatment which received 50 ppm NAA spray at 60 DAT (Rs. 44,570). Treatment that received 15% cow urine spray at 60 DAT + 90 DAT recorded highest B:C ratio of 3.46.

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