
The use of the coral reef as a source of community livelihood on Tidung Besar Island has negative impacts on the coral reef itself. Students of SMKN 61 Jakarta are a small part of the Tidung Besar community that is involved in coral reef conservation efforts on Tidung Besar Island. Efforts to build social sensitivity can be conducted at schools through co-curricular education activities. Co-curricular activites are activities to add to, supplement or replace intra-curricular learning, which is according to the curriculum. This learning is in line with informal education, which has functions as a complement, supplement and substitute. This is in accordance with the Indonesian national education system, nonformal education and family education. Students are required to have social sensitivity to the environment so they will have a sense to maintain and improve coral reef sustainability. Conservation education, which is a nature conservation strategy, is essential for inclusion in school learning. The purpose of this research was to increase social sensitivity about coral reef conservation in students of SMKN 61 Jakarta through coral reef conservation education. This research was conducted on October 20th-21st, 2017 at SMKN 61 Jakarta. The research method was quasi-experimental with a one group pretest-posttest design. The sample consisted of 32 students. Hypothesis testing by t-test demonstrated that coral reef conservation education had an influence on the students’ social sensitivity to coral reef conservation.

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