
Standard analysis of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) data is valid only if the quantum yield of unphotobleached fluorophores is independent of concentration, yet close molecular packing in two-dimensional systems may lead to significant fluorescence concentration quenching. Using total internal reflection fluorescence, we quantified the surface concentration dependence of the relative quantum yield of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled proteins adsorbed to polymeric surfaces before performing measurements of fluorescence recovery after pattern photobleaching. Adsorbed layers of FITC-labeled ribonuclease A displayed significant concentration quenching, and thus the standard FRAP analysis method was unacceptable. We present an extended FRAP analysis procedure that accounts for the changing quantum yield of diffusing fluorophores in systems that are influenced by concentration quenching. The extended analysis shows that if concentration quenching conditions prevail, there may be significant error in the transport parameters obtained from FRAP measurements by using the standard procedures.

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