
Number plays a significant role in our day to day lives. Functional math skills are those skills that an individual need to know in order to live independent in society, to care for themselves, and to make choices about their lives. Teaching math to students with intellectual disability includes learning through concrete experiences and the application of learned skills moreover alternative instructional strategies are crucial for meeting the learning needs of these students. Instructional material and strategies through computer assisted instructions have been found to aid academic achievement and retention among learners. Through Computer assisted instructions interactive learning takes place and learners get immediate feedback. Versatility of computer assisted instructions can be effectively used to promote inclusive education of children with disabilities. This study investigates the impact of computer assisted instruction on development of functional math skills among students with intellectual disability. Single group pre and post test experimental research design was used in the present study. Sample size comprised of 30 students falling between the age range of 11-14 years with mild intellectual disability studying in Govt. Schools of Chandigarh, India. Intervention was given in a classroom setting in small group comprising 3-4 students on regular basis. In the beginning students are oriented to follow the computer assisted instructions package. The student’s pre and post test scores of the present study is subject to statistical analysis t-test. The findings of the study enable the adolescence with mild intellectual disability to perform functional math skills and found that computer delivered instruction have the potential for improving student’s achievement scores. On the basis of research findings recommendation can be made to develop CAI packages on different contents of academic learning. Keywords: concentration, versatility, impulsivity, adolescence, recommendation

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