
Aim of study: To evaluate the use of compost and natural rocks as partial replacement of mineral fertilizers in ‘Flame’ seedless grape vineyards.Area of study: The present work was conducted during three successive seasons (2016, 2017 and 2018), being the first season a preliminary trial on 4-yr old grapes cultivated in two different soil types (sandy and clay) at two different locations, Egypt (Abo Galeb, Giza governorate; EL-Mahala, Gharbia governorate).Material and methods: Treatments were applied as natural raw materials at 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% out of recommended mineral NPK rate. The mineral fertilizers used were ammonium sulfate (21.6% N), calcium super phosphate (15.5% P2O5) and potassium sulfate (48% K2O). The natural rocks used were phosphate rock (22.0% P2O5) and Feldspar (10.12% K2O). Yield and fruit characteristics and leaf mineral content were determined.Main results: Using compost in combination with natural rocks enriched with NPK mobilization bacteria and mineral NPK enhanced leaf nutrients content and gave the highest yield and cluster weight. This mix also improved berries physical and chemical characteristics. There was an increase in soluble solids content (SSC), SSC/acid ratio, and anthocyanin content, associated with a reduction in nitrate content of the berry juice. The most pronounced effect was related to using 60% mineral fertilization + 40% organic and natural rocks in both vineyard locations.Research highlights: We can reduce the recommended doses of mineral NPK by about 40%, reducing then the soil pollution.


  • Grapes are ranked as the second fruit crop after citrus in Egypt

  • The highest significant percentage of N was obtained in vines fertilized with

  • In a column under each soil type, numbers followed by the same letter had no significant difference at 0.05 levels by DMRT

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Material and methods

This study was carried out in Egypt during three successive seasons (2016, 2017 and 2018) on 4 old vigorous and fruitful ‘Flame’ seedless In this respect, the mineral fertilizers used were ammonium sulfate (21.6% N), calcium super phosphate The amount of compost and natural rocks (phosphate rock and Feldspar) were added to the soil at 20 cm depth after winter pruning in both locations. Data were subjected to analysis of variance according to Snedecor & Chocran (1980), and treatment means were compared using DMRT at 5% level according to Duncan (1955)

Results and discussion
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