
In 2020 and 2021, a block trial was conducted with two herbicide preparations and four foliar feeding products for maize. The studies were carried out with maize, hybrid Knezha 509, grown under non-irrigated conditions after a wheat predecessor. The effect of the combined application of the herbicide preparations Stomp new 330 EK and Hemniko 24 SK and of the foliar microelement fertilizers for maize, Amalgerol, Vertex high N-34 and Foliar extra was studied. The influence of the studied treatment systems on maize height and grain yield was established. For the conditions of the experiment, the plants treated with a tank mixture of Hemniko 24 SC at a dose of 21 ml/da and Amalgerol at a dose of 500 ml/da had the highest height. The increase compared to economic control is 6.46% (for 2020) and 7.3% (for 2021). The highest grain yield (average for the study period) – 643.9 kg/da was obtained from the same variant of the experiment, and the increase compared to the economic control was 12.91%.

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