
Colostomy is often a life-saving procedure but is still associated with significant morbidity. Aim of the study: To evaluate the effect of colostomy empowerment program (CEP) for mothers on occurrence of peristomal skin complications among their infants. Design: Quasi -experimental design was utilized. Sample: A convenient sample of 60 infants undergoing colostomy operation and their mothers. Setting: The current study conducted in three settings at Cairo University Specialized Pediatric Hospital (CUSPH) (surgical neonatal intensive care unit, in-patient surgical unit, and the out-patient surgery clinic).Tools for data collection: Tool I structured interview questionnaire; Tool II mothers’ knowledge and reported practice assessment sheet pre-posttest; Tool III observational checklist and tool IV complications recording sheet. Results: There were statistically significant differences regarding total mean score of mothers' knowledge, reported practice and skills in both groups. Peristomal skin complications were higher in the control group. Conclusion: The current study concluded that after CEP, there was a significant improvement in the level of knowledge, reported-practices, and skills among mothers in the study group. Infants in the study group were exposed to less postoperative complications regarding peristomal skin complications than infants in the control group.

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