
The bacterial photosynthetic reaction center protein (RC) catalyzes the conversion of light to electrochemical energy through a sequence of photon- initiated electron transfer reactions between redox cofactors held at fixed distances in the protein [1–4]. The primary processes are elicited by absorption of a photon by the primary donor, a dimer of bacteriochlorophyll ([BChl]2). The first excited singlet state of the dimer, [BChl]2*, transfers an electron over 10 A in 3 ps to a bacteriopheophytin (BPh). The BPh− in turn reduces a quinone bound at the QA site to form an anionic semiquinone in 0.2 ns (for a review, see: [5]). Numerous experimental efforts have aimed to identify the factors which control the remarkable near unit quantum yield and temperature independence of the RC processes [6–9], often with an eye toward emulation in artificial photosynthetic devices [10]. Here, we examine the role of structural components of the quinone cofactor in determining electron transfer rates at the RC QA site.

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