
This study aims to determine the magnitude of the influence of the intensity of the Instagram stories feature on the level of intimacy of Interpersonal communication and to find out how the influence of selfopenness on the level of intimacy of Interpersonal communication on Instagram story users on Instagram. The method used is an explanatory method with the positivism paradigm, this is used to examine the extent to which variations in a factor are related to other factors. Then the data analysis technique uses simple linear regression. The results of this study show that t count > from t table which is 3,844 > 2,348 can be interpreted as Ho rejected and Ha accepted. Then the result of the coefficient of determination (R2) showed a number of 0.189, which means that the intensity of use of the close friends feature by some users had an influence of 18.9% on the level of intimacy of interpersonal communication, an influence that was seen to be small and could influence other users to actively communicate while the rest was influenced by other factors that were not included in this study by 81.1%. Thus, this shows that the intensity of the close friends feature has a positive influence on the level of intimacy of interpersonal communication and also the encouragement of self-openness from users of the close friends feature to the selected list of friends in increasing interpersonal communication with other users

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