
Background Circular dance CD has been used to improve flexibility posture strength and muscle resistance thereby reducing pain and tension Lumbar segmental stabilization LSS is a therapeutic approach that aims to improve the neuromuscular control strength and resistance of muscles that provide spinal stability Objective Compare the effect of CD and LSS on pain and functional disability of women with nonspecific chronic low back pain NCLBP Method The nbsp sample nbsp will nbsp consist nbsp of nbsp nbsp women nbsp aged nbsp between nbsp nbsp and nbsp nbsp years nbsp with nbsp nonspecific chronic low back pain and intensity ge points on the Numerical Pain Scale NPS divided into groups CD group participants LSS group participants Sixteen nbsp minutes nbsp sessions nbsp will nbsp be nbsp held nbsp twice nbsp a nbsp week nbsp for nbsp both nbsp groups nbsp The nbsp primary nbsp outcomes will be assessed using the Numerical Pain Scale and Rolland Morris Disability Questionnaire and the secondary outcomes by the Beck Depression Inventory Numerical Anxiety Scale Global Perceived Effect GPE scale Report of Symptoms and Adverse Events or Side Effects and the SF Quality of Life Questionnaire at pre treatment and and weeks post treatment Results It is hoped to obtain results that allow defining the possibility of using CD as a simple alternative to be applied inexpensive viable to be used in the public health system with nbsp results nbsp equivalent nbsp if nbsp compared nbsp to nbsp a nbsp treatment nbsp already nbsp founded nbsp in nbsp the nbsp literature nbsp as nbsp an nbsp effective nbsp treatment nbsp for nbsp chronic nbsp back nbsp pain Statistical nbsp analysis nbsp will nbsp be nbsp conducted nbsp using nbsp Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software SPSS applying descriptive and inferential statistics Discussion This study is expected to broaden the use of CD in the national health system as an effective and efficient therapy which could benefit women with NCLBP to have improved motor functions and emotional aspect of this population as well and ameliorate the quality of life

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