
The current research aimed to incorporate appropriate circuit resistant training protocol in the current literature and device that could help improve cardio-respiratory endurance of soccer players. A pre-test and post-test longitudinal research format was applied because the suggested parameters of cardiorespiratory endurance were appropriately calculated by such research designs. A sample of (n=40) healthy volunteers equally distributed into two different groups namely, an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG). The circuit resistant training (CRT) 3 times per week with specified intensity, repetition, set and rest period continued for 06 weeks among experimental group. Results of the analyzed data revealed a significant increase in the cardiorespiratory indices (CO, SV, IRV, ERV) among the participants of experimental group (p < .05). These results tend to interpret that cardiorespiratory fitness of soccer’s players can be improved with the help of 06 week (CRT) program. Apart from this, health and physical education teachers, physiotherapists and other relevant persons can recommend CRT for lifestyles improvement.

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