
Anacystis nidulans and Spirulina platensis grown in artificial aqueous culture medium were treated with Cr as K2Cr2O7 and the alteration in growth rate, doubling time, biomass productivity, Chl A content, carbon assimilation and metal uptake were studied. Significant reductions in the growth rate, biomass productivity, Chl A content and carbon assimilation were observed for both the species. Assimilation efficiency values, i.e. the ratios between carbon assimilation to Chl A content, indicated that the metal affected carbon assimilation more than Chl A content. A comparison with the effects of Cu, Cd and Ni on the same species under similar conditions indicated that Cr was comparatively less toxic. The lesser toxicity may be attributed to the possible reduction of Cr+6 to Cr+3 under the experimental conditions. The concentration factors for Cr observed for both the species were in the range of 103. A. nidulans was able to accumulate more Cr than S. platensis. The uptake by the former followed the relation m=0.3077±0.0234 × C0.870±0.0138 and by the latter m=0.1212± 0.0409×C0.2±0.0286 where m and C are the molar concentrations of the metal in the algal biomass and the medium respectively.

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