
We have recently demonstrated that monolateral lesions of the Nucleus Basalis Magnocellularis (NBM), which is a nucleus sending cholinergic projections to the fronto-parietal cortex, cause a loss in the intensity of Timm staining in the intrahippocampal pathway of mossy fibres (MF). Moreover, these lesions induce ultrastructural changes consistent with the occurrence of degeneration of presynaptic buttons of MF. The present study was designed to quantify the effects of NBM lesioning on the morphology of the presynaptic buttons of MF. Moreover the effects of 4-week choline alfoscerate (αGFC) treatment on the density of Timm staining and on the ultrastructure of presynaptic buttons of MF were assessed, αGFC, which was given at an oral daily dose of 100 mg/kg, is a precursor in the biosynthesis of several brain phospholipids which increases the availability of choline in the nervous tissue. Monolateral lesions of NBM cause, 4 weeks after lesioning, a significant decrease in the intensity of Timm staining in the MF area accompanied by a loss of about 23% of presynaptic buttons of MF. Moreover about 40% of presynaptic buttons of MF show an impaired morphology. αGFC administration restored the intensity of Timm staining in the MF area. In αGFC-treated rats, the loss of presynaptic buttons and the number of impaired buttons were reduced to about 12% and 27%, respectively in comparison with non-treated animals. These results confirm and extend our previous observations indicative of the occurrence of transneuronal degenerations in the MF of the hippocampus after monolateral NBM lesioning. Moreover these findings show that αGFC treatment is able to counter in part these degenerative changes.

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