
The detection with ESR of radicals formed upon low temperature oxygen adsorption has been used to study the modifications introduced in the surface of CeO2 by pretreatments with nitric and hydrochloric acids. On untreated CeO2, O2 adsorption originated several types of O−2 species if the sample was previously outgassed at Tv ⩾ 473 K. The HNO3-treated sample did not show signifi signals for Tv ⩽ 573 K; for Tv ⩾ 673 K the spectra were similar to those obtained for untreated CeO2. The HCl-treated sample showed the formation of O2− interacting with Cl− for Tv ⩾ 473 K and subsequently of O−; this indicates the existence of centers, associated to chloride ions, able to activate O2 and dissociate it to give stable O−. These centers are probably present in most M/CeO2 catalysts prepared using metal chloride salts.

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