
Much has been learned about the topological transport in real materials. We investigate the interplay between magnetism and topology in the magneto-transport of PrRhC$_2$. The four-fold degeneracy reduces to two-fold followed by non-degenerate Weyl nodes when the orientation of the magnetic quantization axis is changed from easy axis to body-diagonal through face-diagonal. This engenders chirality imbalance between positive and negative chirality Weyl nodes around the Fermi energy. We observe a significant enhancement in the chiral anomaly mediated response such as planar Hall conductivity and longitudinal magneto-conductivity, due to the emergence of chirality imbalance upon orienting the magnetic quantization axis to body-diagonal. The angular variations of the above quantities for different magnetic quantization axis clearly refer to the typical signature of planar Hall effect in Weyl semimetals. We further investigate the profiles of anomalous Hall conductivities as a function of Fermi energy to explore the effects of symmetries as well as chirality imbalance on Berry curvature.

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