
The present research was carried out with the objectives of investigating the effect of challenge feeding on body condition scores and calf birth weight of Sahiwal cattle. The present study was conducted on eighteen healthy, advance pregnant Sahiwal cattle from 60 days prepartum to 120 days postpartum. The animals were divided into two groups i.e. control and treatment on the basis of milk yield, parity and body weight. The animals in control group were given standard ration while in challenge fed (treatment) group, the animals were given additional amount of concentrate mixture. The mean body condition score of control and treatment group during prepartum period was 3.49 ±0.03 and 3.54 ±0.03, respectively with a non-significant difference. During post-partum period also there was no significant effect of challenge feeding on BCS of animals of the treatment group. The mean BCS of control and treatment group during postpartum period was 3.43 ±0.03 and 3.52 ±0.03, respectively. The mean birth weights of calves in control and experimental group were 21.67 ±1.56 and 25.78 ±1.56 kg, respectively. The calves born to cows of challenge fed group were about 4.11kg heavier than calves born to cows of control group but statistically the difference was not significant.

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