
Maillard reaction products (MRP) contribute to sensory quality of various foods. Whole grains (WG) are rich in phenols which may influence Maillard reaction pathways during thermal processing and impact WG product sensory attributes. This study investigated how WG phenolic profile affects MRP formation. Amylase-hydrolyzed wheat (white and red) and sorghum (white, red, tannin) brans were hydrothermally processed at 150 °C/6 min, and characterized for MRP using colorimetry, fluorescence spectroscopy, HPLC-MS/MS, and HS-SPME/GC–MS. Bran phenolic structure, and to a lesser extent content, had larger influence on MRP formation than protein/amino acid profile. Polymeric tannins (both in situ and when added to wheat brans) strongly inhibited volatile and non-volatile MRP intermediates and melanoidin formation, likely via their carbocation depolymerization intermediates trapping furans. Principle component analysis demonstrated clear segregation of volatiles formation based on bran phenolic profile. Phenolic composition should be considered in WG product formulation and processing to achieve desired MRP formation.

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