
The presented study analyzes the healing effect of pure cell-free plasma and plateletrich plasma. The study was conducted on Wistar rats. Three groups of rats were formed for the experiment: a control group and two experimental ones (No. 1, No. 2). Burn wounds were inflicted on animals under sevoflurane anesthesia in the interscapular region with a copper-plated disc with a diameter of 20.0 mm heated in the flame of a gas burner to a temperature of 300.0 OC by applying it for 2.0 - 3.0 seconds. In the control group, treatment of burn wounds was not carried out, but surface application of aerosol 10% lidocaine was used to reduce the pain syndrome. For rats of experimental groups No. 1 and No. 2, treatment of burn wounds with plasma was started on the 5thday after injury. Rats of experimental group No. 1 were treated by injecting cell-free plasma under and around the burn. Rats of experimental group No. 2 were treated by injecting platelet-rich plasma under and around the burn. Monitoring and evaluation of wound healing was carried out by measuring their area. Photo fixation and photo documentation were carried out at the time of the burn wound and then on the fifth day after the injury (the first injection of plasma samples), on the 14th day after the injury, on the 23rd day after the injury and on the 30thday after the injury. The result of the study showed that both cell-free plasma and platelet-rich plasma accelerate the healing of a burn wound in comparison with the control. But platelet plasma, in comparison with cell free plasma, has a stronger therapeutic effect, significantly accelerating the contraction of the wound edges in the very first days after administration.

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