
A newly synthesized immunomodulator, disodium 4-chloro-2,2’-iminodibenzoate (CCA; Lobenzarit disodium) was examined for its action against the immunological disorders in B/W mice. The results exhibited by CCA are summerized as follows: 1) reduction of serum NTA titer developed with age, 2)preservation of Con A-induced suppressor T cell activity declining with age, 3) depression of the reduction of thymic function, 4) decrease of anti-DNA autoantibody production (particularly IgG class anti-ssDNA antibody), 5) decrease of spontaneous anti-ssDNA plaque forming cells in spleens, 6) reduction of spontaneous IgG secreting cells in spleens. These results suggest that inhibition of the switch from IgM to IgG production by CCA is associated with the prevention of the development of renal disease in B/W mice. From the results described above, CCA also suppressed the abnormal polyclonal B cell activation in B/W mice. To investigate whether this effect is due to the direct action against B cell or the indirect action by mediating suppressor T cell activity, further experiments are required.

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