
The genus Streptomyces consists of sporulating Gram-positivesoil bacteria with a mycelia growth habit, and a life cycle with complex morphological and physiological differentiation, also piodu.., antibiotics which are the secondary metabolite. The objective of the present study is to study of an ability of a local isolate of Streptomyces Zl to produce antibacterial substance, and effect of different carbon and nitrogen sources on antibacterial production. Results in present study showed that Streptomyces Zl have ability to produce antimicrobial agent against Escherichia coli, Shigella dysentery, Pseudcimonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Bacillus nrbtilis which indicated by diameter of inhibition zone that reached tol6.0, 19.3, 18.1,25.0, g.z, 11.2, l2.o mm, respectively, iesults in this study showed that antimicrobial agent produced by Streptomyces Zl lvas more effective against gram negative organisms rather tlian gram positive. Production of antibiotics from microorganisms varies with the constituents of the media. In present study we have investigated the influence of medium constituents such as carbon and nitrogen soui.., on the antibiotic production from Strcplomyces Zl, different carbon sources were used in this study includcd the follorving: maltose, glycerol, galactose, glucose, mannitol, lactose, starch, and dextrose, the samples werc assayed against K. pncumonic, the highest antibacterial activity rvas obtained when dextrose at 4Yo rvas used as carbon sources. We have also tested a numbcr of nitrogen sources (Yeast extract, L-valinc, sodium glutamate, Na2NO3, Nl'l4SO4, Nl-l4NO3) orr antibiotic production by local isolate of Strcptonr),cc:; sp.Zl, rcsults shorvcd that Yeast cxtract at l.SYo was thc most suitable nitrogen sollrcc, tlrouglr L-valinc, sodiurn glutarnatc, Na2NOj, NI-l,rSO.r, NI.ITNOJ gavc modcrate antimicrobial

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