
The effect of cane ambulation on hip biomechanics has been well studied, but its effect on tibial strains and strain rates is not known. To test the hypothesis that cane use may lower tibial strain and strain rates during walking, percutaneous axial extensometers were mounted on the right medial cortex of the midtibial diaphysis in seven male volunteers. In vivo peak-to-peak axial tibial strains and strain rates were measured for ipsilateral and contralateral cane usage and compared with a no cane control. Cane-assisted ambulation was not found to significantly lower strain magnitudes; however, tibial strain rates were significantly lowered by both ipsilateral and contralateral cane usage. We conclude that either ipsilateral or contralateral cane usage may be beneficial when lowering tibial strain rate is desired, such as in the treatment of tibia stress fracture or osteoarthrosis of the knee.

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