
Dormant attached or detached shoots of balsam fir were naturally or artificially chilled to induce different states along the rest–quiescence continuum. At the end of the chilling pretreatment, the shoots either were left intact or were debudded and treated with indol-3-ylacetic acid (IAA). The shoots were placed under controlled-environment conditions favorable for growth, and at intervals thereafter, a pulse of [1-14C]IAA was applied to the shoot apex. Measured at the end of the chilling pretreatment, [14C]IAA velocity and flux decreased with increasing duration of chilling (i.e., as rest graded into quiescence). The time required to commence cambial growth and to attain maximum rates of cambial activity and [14C]IAA transport also decreased as rest changed to quiescence. Transport in actively growing shoots exceeded that in quiescent shoots, but was similar to that in resting shoots. The [14C]IAA pulse moved basipetally as unchanged IAA, was blocked by a bark + cambium girdle, and was inhibited by abscisic acid and long-term application of exogenous IAA. The results indicate that: (1) the long-distance, cambium-located, IAA transport system demonstrated in dicotyledonous species also operates in conifers, (2) during the dormant period changes occur in [14C]IAA transport and in the cambial response to exogenous IAA, (3) the change in [14C]IAA transport is the result of change in the transporting capability of cells in the cambial zone, and (4) the change in [14C]IAA transport is not the cause of the differential response of quiescent and resting cambia to exogenous IAA.

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