
Corrosion phenomena means to the deterioration of metallic materials due to chemical and electrochemical reactions, because these materials are always trying to reach a state of lower energy potential. Groundwater is vital and the sole resource in most of the studied region in the city of Alkufra. In this study, The main objectives of this research are to further broaden the mechanistic understanding of CO2 corrosion of mild steel in the presence of high concentrations of calcium ions and evaluate the protectiveness of CaCO3 scale against further corrosion. The values of these concentrations in the studied water samples indicate that they constitute a chemically suitable environment for corrosion and precipitation reactions, additionally, the pH values for the studied water samples ranged between (7. 25 - 7.37), temperature values ranged from 35 ℃ to 37℃ . (95.64 F0 to 98.6 F) respectively,it was found that the Aggressiveness coefficient ranged between (0.25 – (-1.3) and this indicates that the water in this region is highly corrosive, and the Ryzner coefficient ranges between (6.7 - 9.7), which indicates the water condition is the cause of corrosion. The Langelier coefficient index shows that the negative values ​​are the cause of the increase in wear rate values from( -2.73 to -0.89) .Our results show that the presence of calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate as a scaling environment increases the corrosion rates for carbon steel.

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