
We compared Brazilian, Indian, Siberian, Asian, and North American ginseng for potential interference with 3 digoxin immunoassays: fluorescence polarization (FPIA), microparticle enzyme (MEIA), and Tina-quant (Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN). We supplemented aliquots of a drug-free serum pool with ginseng extracts representing expected in vivo concentrations and overdose. We observed apparent digoxin-like immunoreactivity with FPIA, modest immunoreactivity with MEIA, and no apparent digoxin immunoreactivity with the Tina-quant with all ginsengs except Brazilian, which showed no immunoreactivity with any assay. When aliquots of serum pools prepared from patients receiving digoxin were supplemented with ginsengs, we observed falsely elevated digoxin values with FPIA, falsely lower digoxin values (negative interference) with MEIA, and no interference with the Tina-quant. Digoxin-like immunoreactive components of various ginsengs have moderate protein binding; monitoring free digoxin concentrations does not eliminate such interference. We also observed that Digibind (Burroughs Wellcome, Research Triangle Park, NC) can bind free digoxin-like immunoreactive components of ginsengs; such effects can be monitored by measuring apparent free digoxin concentrations. Indian, Asian, and North American ginsengs interfere with serum digoxin measurement by FPIA and MEIA; the Tina-quant is free of such interference. Digibind can bind free digoxin-like immunoreactive components of ginseng.

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