
In the city of Bekasi, a large proportion of the population uses groundwater and is at risk of Escherichia coli contamination. Water can remain contaminated by E. coli even after treatment, and it may be recontaminated through storage practices. This research aims to analyze the effect of boiling and the correlation of water storage practices to E. coli contamination in the drinking water of households in the villages of Jatiluhur, Sumur Batu, and Jatirangga. Among 54 randomly surveyed households, 98.1% boiled their water before drinking. The results show that 67% showed decreased E. coli after boiling. Boiled water with a low risk of E. coli made up 64.8% of the samples, a medium risk made up 25.9%, a high risk made up 7.4%, and a very high risk made up 1.9%. Observation of water storage practices showed that 51% of households store water in a jug after treatment, and 35.3% store it in a kettle or pot. Residents used a container equipped with a lid 94.1% of the time. The statistical analysis revealed no correlation between water storage practices and E. coli contamination in drinking water. Boiling water can be a fairly effective way to decrease E. coli contamination; however, other factors that can recontaminate water, such as storage hygiene and hand washing, require attention in future studies.

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