
The principal objective of this research was to determine the effects of a binder and sweeteners on the production of effervescent artichoke tea tablets from dried artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.). The recommended ratios of glycerin, sucrose and aspartame to total weight of artichoke powder and effervescent agent for production of effervescent artichoke tea tablets were 2.5, 20 and 0.6%, respectively. The effervescent artichoke tea tablets were 20 mm in diameter and 6–7 mm in height. The tablets were dried by infrared radiation at 40C air temperature and 30% air relative humidity for 18 h, and the final moisture of the tablets was 11–13%. The effervescent artichoke tea tablets were packaged in a three-layer package (polyethylene–aluminum–polyethylene) with a vacuum degree of 30%, sealing time of 3.5 s. Before use, each tablet was dissolved in 150 mL pure water at 90C. Practical Applications Effervescent tablet has some remarkable advantages such as being easy and convenient to package, transport and use. Artichoke is as herbal tea that which has prominent health benefits like reducing cholesterol and urea in blood, increasing bile secretion, diuretic, etc. Therefore, in this research, we have developed a new product from artichoke to make effervescent tea tablets.

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