
Dietary absorption of lipophilic contaminants may be a significant route of exposure in aquatic organisms. Bile salts, lipids, and humic acids are important factors that may influence the intestinal absorption of a contaminant such as benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). We hypothesized that bile salts, monoglycerides, and free fatty acids would increase BaP intestinal absorption, while triglycerides, humic acids, and sediment would decrease BaP intestinal absorption. We have established and validated an in vitro model to examine modification of 3H-BaP absorption in everted intestinal segments from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Uptake of BaP into the everted intestinal segments continued to increase over the times examined in this study (60 min) and apparently occurs passively; thus, fugacity-based models of uptake are supported. Absorption of BaP into intestinal cells was significantly decreased by the addition of monoglycerides and free fatty acids to bile salts in the incubation media. Addition of triglycerides decreased BaP absorption even further. Humic acids may have decreased BaP intestinal absorption, while natural sediment may have increased BaP absorption. The results of this study suggest that all lipids may decrease intestinal uptake of lipophilic contaminants if they remain in unabsorbable excess in the intestinal lumen by retaining BaP in lipid/bile micelles. In contrast, if triglycerides are hydrolyzed into monoglycerides/free fatty acids prior to absorption, lipophilic contaminant uptake will likely be facilitated. Thus, it may be the hydrolytic state of lipids that determines its effects on BaP absorption. Humic acids alone may decrease dietary uptake of BaP, but our results suggest that other components in natural sediment may counteract this effect to cause a slight enhancement of BaP uptake. Further studies are needed to determine the dietary conditions necessary for bioaccumulation to contribute significantly to lipophilic contaminant body burdens in benthivorous fish. Finally, the everted intestinal segment technique has the potential to be used in other species and with different contaminants.

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