
Previous research raises the possibility that urinary volatiles from estrous female mice activate mitral cells in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) of male mice following detection via the main olfactory epithelium as opposed to the vomeronasal organ. We asked whether bilateral lesions of the AOB would disrupt the ability of male mice to discriminate between urinary volatiles from mice of different sexes or endocrine states, or affect their interest in investigating these odors when they were presented sequentially in home-cage habituation/dishabituation tests. Males with either partial or complete bilateral lesions of the AOB resembled sham-operated control males in their ability to discriminate between ovariectomized and estrous female urinary volatiles as well as between male and estrous female urinary volatiles. However, males with either complete or partial AOB lesions spent significantly less time than sham-operated control males investigating urinary volatiles from estrous females, especially during tests when the alternative stimulus presented was male urine. Placement of AOB lesions failed to disrupt males' mating performance. Our results suggest that the incentive value of opposite-sex (female) volatile urinary odors which are initially detected by the main olfactory system is enhanced when they are further processed by the male's AOB.

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