
The coupled biogeochemical processes of Fe(III) reduction and organic matter transformation profoundly impact terrestrial carbon cycling. However, little is known about the microbial role in soil organic matter (SOM) transformation during Fe(III) bio-reduction. Here we investigated the bio-reduction behavior of a black farmland soil and corresponding SOM transformation under circumneutral and anoxic conditions. A model dissimilatory Fe reducing bacterium, Geobacter sulfurreducens, was added in either live or dead form in order to enhance Fe(III) reduction in soil and to evaluate the accompanying transformation of SOM. The progress of Fe reduction was monitored and SOM transformation was characterized by various spectroscopy methods.Results showed that addition of either dead or live G. sulfurreducens cells increased the Fe(III) reduction rate and extent. Without cell addition, SOM transformation was insignificant within 13 days of incubation, only with some consumption of aliphatic/protein compounds, apparently due to their higher bio-degradability. Addition of dead or live cells resulted in more drastic SOM transformation, but through different mechanisms. With dead cell amendment, cell necromass and debris stimulated the activity of indigenous soil microbes by serving as extra carbon/energy sources. During Fe(III) reduction, the aliphatic/protein compounds were preferentially consumed by indigenous microbial communities, similar to the treatment without cell addition but with a greater extent of consumption. In comparison, addition of live G. sulfurreducens cells stimulated degradation of less bioavailable compounds, including more saturated and higher molecular weight SOM. It is possible that fast depletion of labile SOM by live G. sulfurreducens cells favored utilization of less bioavailable molecules (such as those with more aromatic structures) by the originally dormant species in native microbial community, suggesting an active role of live Fe(III)-reducing bacteria in affecting SOM transformation. In addition, fast assimilation of microbial related carbon, such as aromatic proteins and microbial byproducts, into SOM pools was also observed.Overall, our results suggest that addition of Fe(III)-reducing bacteria to a native soil can enhance Fe(III) reduction and accelerate the turnover of SOM through various mechanisms. The study provides new insights into coupled Fe(III) reduction and SOM transformation, as well as the “priming effect” of SOM using microbial cells as substrate.

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