
Three experiments were carried out with Belgian white-blue bulls housed in tie stalls. They received maize silage in the first trial and maize silage supplemented with a restricted amount of potatoes in two other trials. Besides the basal feed an appropriate concentrate was given at 7.5 g per kg liveweight per day. In Experiments I and II half the animals received 150 mg avoparcin per kg concentrate. In Experiment III, three concentrates were administered, containing 0, 75 and 150 mg avoparcin per kg. For the three trials, daily gain amounted to 1.07 and 1.08 kg; 1.11 and 1.07 kg; and 1.11, 1.14 and 1.13 kg, respectively, for the control and avoparcin-fed animals. Treatment differences were not significant. Daily feed intake was depressed from 75.6 to 73.3 g; 75.9 to 71.9 g; and from 75.3 to 72.9 and 71.4 g dry matter per kg W 0.75, respectively. Avoparcin improved dry matter consumption per kg gain by 4% in Experiment I, 3% in Experiment II and 6 and 7% in Experiment III. Differences in intake were significant only in Experiment III ( P<0.05). Carcass parameters did not differ significantly and meat quality characteristics were mostly very similar.

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