
AbstractRecently, non-volatile polymer memories have been researched as a next generation of non-volatile memory because of its simple structure and easy fabrication process. We found that two types of non-volatile polymer memory have different I-V behavior. First Polymer non-volatile memory with metal / oxide / polymer / metal structure But Polymer non-volatile memory embedded Au Nano-crystal shows different I-V behavior. Polymer non-volatile memory shows NDR(Negative Differential Resistance) Region after threshold voltage and low to high current path at increasing positive and negative bias. We can observe NDR(Negative Differential Resistance) Region on Polymer non-volatile memory embedded Au Nano crystal. We fabricated devices three different type to confirm difference Polymer non-volatile memory with metal / polymer / metal structure, metal / oxide / polymer / metal structure and Au nano-crystal embedded Polymer non-volatile memory. First we fabricated Polymer non-volatile memory with metal / PVK(Poly-n-vinyl carbarzole) / metal structure. first type of device shows ohmic I-V behavior. Second type of polymer non-volatile memory has oxide layer between metal and polymer layer. Oxide layer made by O2 plasma treatment(100W RF power, 100SCCM O2 gas flow) after metal layer deposited. Second type of device has same structure as first device except oxide layer. Second type of device shows I-V behavior similar to Resistive Memory. Resistive non-volatile memory shows low to high current path at increasing positive bias and high to low current path at increasing negative bias. I-V behaviors of second device due to effect of oxide layer between metal and polymer layer. Third type of polymer non-volatile memory we embed Au nano-crystal layer in polymer layer. Au nano-crystal layer embedded by curing process. We deposit 5nm Au layer after spin coated PVK(Poly-n-vinyl carbarzole) layer and curing at 300¡É. We can observe NDR(Negative Differential Resistance) Region and different I-V behaviors with other type of device. Finally we fabricated polymer non-volatile memory embedded au nano-crystal by dispersion method to confirm effect of au nano-crystal. We report difference I-V behaviors polymer non-volatile memory with metal / polymer / metal structure and polymer non-volatile memory embedded au nano-crystals

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