
The research was conducted during the 2021 growing season which included a series of experiments to investigate the effect the fungus Aspergillus flavus presence on germination and growth of barley and some barley weeds including annual ryegrass Lolium rigidum, darnel Lolium temulentum and yellow sweet clover Melilotus officinalis. Results of isolation and identification of fungi associated with seedlings roots of barley and the weeds showed that A. flavus was the most prevalent fungus associated with roots and surrounding soil recording the highest frequency among all the found fungi. In plastic pots, Aspergillus flavus was added to the potting soil and tested for its the effect on seed germination and seedlings growth of barley and weeds under study. The results showed after 20 days of planting that the fungus led to an increase in the percentage of germination and fresh weight and lengths of barley seedlings while the presence of the fungus decreased germination and seedlings growth of studied weeds with the highest negative impact on the darnel. Incubation at different temperatures were tested for their effects on A. flavus growth, and results showed that the fungus grows higher when incubated at relatively high temperatures (25-35°C), while the lowest growth was at 15 °C and the fungus did not grow at 10 °C.

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