
In this study, we aimed to investigate the presence of an alteration in the feeding ecology of fish after the deployment of anti-trawling reefs at the Punta Tramontana site (Sardinia, Italy). To achieve this aim, we examined prey in the stomach contents of two target species of fish: Diplodus annularis and Mullus surmuletus. The samples were obtained from fishing activities carried out over one year from June 2017 to October 2018 at two impact sites, selected by the presence of artificial reefs, and two control sites. The results showed that installing these artificial devices increased the food spectrum availability of the target species and induced two different ecological feeding behaviors, probably derived from their different ecologies. D. annularis changed its alimentary strategy from generalist at control sites to specialist at impact sites, focusing its diet on the crustacean Gnathia maxillaris. Mullus surmuletus was not affected by the presence of the barriers, which constitute an additional site where the fish feed during their foraging activities. In conclusion, these anti-trawling reefs, in addition to the purpose for which they are designed (in this case, avoiding illegal trawling), did not produce any negative environmental impact on surrounding marine biota.

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