
The changes induced in the electrical activity of the small intestine by atropine sulphate, diphemanil methylsulphate, hyoscine butylbromide and prifinium bromide were studied in conscious sheep fitted with chronically implanted electrodes. Increased spike potential activity was induced by carbachol. The mean slow‐wave frequency of the antrum was 7.35 ± 0.18/min with burst of spike potentials randomly superimposed on about 63% of the slow waves. The occurrence of the spike bursts was inhibited for 18—30 min after an intravenous injection of atropine (0.75 mg/kg) and during its infusion at the rate of 0.05 mg/kg/min. The activity of the proximal part of the small intestine, which is characterized by migrating myoelectric complexes moving down slowly at hourly intervals, was replaced by irregular series consisting of spike bursts of about 3 min duration, at intervals of about 12 min for a total of 110 min. Such an effect, in which the level of spike activity was reduced, was also observed with hyoscine, diphemanil and prifinium during 80, 120 and 180 min periods respectively. The injection of carbachol was followed by continuous spike activity in which the mean spike level was nearly doubled, as occurs at the onset of diarrhoea. An inhibitory effect was observed at both antral and duodeno‐jejunal levels with the four drugs used, that of hyoscine being least marked. The effect of prifinium was more pronounced than that of atropine or diphemanil, especially on the jejunum. The results suggest that the ability of these drugs to reduce the level of spike activity accompanying disruption of migrating myoelectric complexes and to inhibit the carbachol‐induced increased level of spiking may account for the antispasmodic effects observed after the use of anticholinergic drugs in gastrointestinal disorders. Prifinium had the longest lasting effect at both antral and duodeno‐jejunal levels and seemed to be a good atropine substitute to alleviate gastro‐intestinal hypermotility.

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