
Background: Maternal mental disorders during pregnancy are associated with a range of adverse health outcomes for infants. Re­cent studies indi­cate the possible mechanism of maternal mental health disorders asso­ciated with fetal develop­ment through prog­ram­­ming effect. This study aimed to sys­tema­t­ically review the effect of ante­natal mental health disorders on fetal growth. Subjects and Method: This was a sys­tem­atic review. The articles were selected from Psyc­INFO, Medline, Web of Science, Em­­­base, and PubMed journal databases pu­blis­hed from July to Septem­ber 2018. The keywords for this review included maternal mental health AND fetal growth, post­partum de­p­ress­­ion AND fetal growth, maternal mental health AND fetal growth AND review. As many as 11 articles were selected for this stu­dy from 575 articles. Results: Maternal mental health during preg­nancy was associated with fetal head cir­cum­­ference growth through 2 mechanism: (1) In­creased maternal stress response modifies neu­ro­en­docrine function, which included changes in cortisol regulation, adreno­corti­co­tropic, adrena­line and nor­adrenaline hor­mo­nes levels; and (2) Decreased 11β-hydroxy­steroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSD2) enzyme regulation in placenta. It decreased11β-HSD2 level, increa­s­ed fetal gluco­corticoids circu­la­tion, and affect­ed on fetal head growth restriction. Conclusion: Maternal mental health during pregnancy is associated with fetal head circ­um­­fe­rence growth restriction. Keywords: maternal mental health, fetal head circumference, growth, systematic re­view Correspondence: Rina Tri Handayani. School of Health Scien­ces Mamba'ul 'Ulum, Surakarta, Jl. Ring Road Utara, Tawangsari, Mojosongo, Jebres, Sura­­ka­r­ta, Cen­tral Java. Email: trihandayan­ir­ina­@gmail­.­com: 085642224141 Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2020), 5(2): 147-153 https://doi.org/10.26911/thejmch.2020.05.02.04

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