
Recent DIII-D experiments show that sawtooth stability is strongly affected by anisotropic fast ions from neutral beam injection (NBI) in both negative and positive triangularity plasmas. Fast ions from co-current NBI are stabilizing for the sawtooth stability, resulting in longer sawtooth periods. On the other hand, fast ions from counter-current NBI are destabilizing, leading to small and frequent sawteeth. The relative change of sawtooth period and amplitude is more than a factor of two. These observations appear to hold in both plasma shapes. Non-perturbative toroidal modeling, utilizing the magnetohydrodynamic-kinetic hybrid stability code MARS-K (Liu et al 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 112503), reveals an asymmetric dependence of the stability of the n = 1 (n is the toroidal mode number) internal kink mode on the injection direction of NBI, being qualitatively consistent with the experimentally observed sawtooth behavior. The MARS-K modeling results suggest that anisotropic fast ions affect the mode growth rate and frequency through both adiabatic and non-adiabatic contributions. The asymmetry of the internal kink mode instability relative to the NBI direction is mainly due to the non-adiabatic contribution of passing fast ions, which stabilize (destabilize) the internal kink with the co-(counter-) current NBI as compared to the fluid counterpart. However, finite orbit width (FOW) correction to passing particles partially cancels the asymmetry. Trapped particles are always stabilizing due to precessional drift resonance. Modeling also shows that fast ions affect the internal kink in a similar manner in both negative and positive triangularity plasmas, although being slightly more unstable in the negative triangularity configuration already in the fluid limit. The similarity is mainly attributed to the fact that the mode is localized in the plasma core region, with very similar eigenmode structures in both negative and positive configurations. Furthermore, MARS-K modeling indicates that other factors, such as the plasma rotation and the drift kinetic effects of thermal plasmas, weakly modify the mode stability as compared to the drift kinetic resonance effects and FOW correction of fast ions.

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