
AbstractIn shoot apices of 7‐day‐old dark‐grown peas the addition of ammonium along with the inducer nitrate resulted in a more than two‐fold increase in nitrate reductase activity. Individual amino acids, amides and amino‐acid mixture could not replace the ammonium effect. Ammonium also stimulated NADH‐glutamate dehydrogenase but not glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase. Sucrose caused a marked stimulation of nitrate reductase induction and showed synergistic effect with light. In presence of cordycepin and cycloheximide, induction of nitrate reductase was inhibited more if ammonium or sucrose was supplied along with the inducer. With actinomycin D, α‐amanitin or chloramphenicol, no differential inhibition took place in presence of ammonium. The inhibition of enzyme activity by chloramphenicol and 3‐(3,4‐dichlorophenyl)‐l,dimethyl urea was completely relieved by sucrose. Incorporation of 14C‐lysine was markedly stimulated by sucrose, but was not affected by ammonium. The effect of sucrose and light on 14C‐lysine incorporation was additive. Cordycepin and cycloheximide did not have any differential effect on 14C‐lysine incorporation in the presence of ammonium as well as sucrose. The inhibition of 14C‐lysine incorporation caused by chloramphenicol was relieved by sucrose. Sucrose also caused a marked increase in 3H‐uridine incorporation but ammonium had no effect. Actinomycin D and cordycepin blocked the sucrose dependent increase in 3H‐uridine incorporation.The results suggest that ammonium mediated stimulation may depend on a regulatory protein(s) synthesized in response to ammonium, whereas sucrose acts mainly by an overall increase in RNA and protein synthesis. The effect of light does not seem to be dependent on photosynthetic light reactions.

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