
To observe the effects of menopause, age at natural menopause (ANM), and aging on the trend in body mass index (BMI). Prospective cohort with a 15-year follow-up of 929 women. Data obtained from the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study. Not applicable. none. Of women participating in the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study, 929 who were reproductive during the study and menopaused at the last follow-up were included. Anthropometric data were measured repeatedly every 3years, and the trend in BMI, associated with menopause and ANM, was tested using the generalized estimating equation. Body mass index in each follow-up session. The adjusted model of the generalized estimating equation illustrates that BMI increases by age (β = 0.16) and menopausal status (β = 1.11). It also shows that women with higher ANM experienced a decreasing BMI (β = -0.03) compared with women with lower ANM. The interaction term of menopause and time (menopause × time) has a negative effect on BMI; that is, the usual increase in BMI after menopause is attenuated by time. (β = -0.4, 95% confidence interval -0.6, -0.3). Menopause and aging are independently correlated with increasing BMI. The trend in BMI, however, depends on the ANM of study participants: women with higher ANM than mean ANM of our population (i.e., 49years) face a decreasing BMI compared with those with lower ANM.

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