
Obesity is a multifactorial disease suspected that most obesity is caused by it interaction between genetic factors and environmental factors, including physical activity, lifestyle, and nutrisional ie feeding behavior and solid feeding is too early in infants. Obesity or overweight is troubling problems among teenagers. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of physical activity against weight loss adolescents who are obese in the city of Makassar. Type of research in This study was a quasi experimental pre-post test. The sample in this study consists of cases and controls, the sample of cases that amounted to 17 people, control samples that amounted to 17 people. The result of nomality test is obtained the intervention group's pretest-postest interval was 0.571 (p> 0.05), significant value for pretest-postest control group was 0.115 (p> 0.05), p intervention group value was 0.000 (p <0.05) and p value of control group is 0.000 (p <0.05), meaning that both groups are not homogeneous (no difference) weight body at pretest-postest. paired t test results showed that there is influence of physical activity (gymnastics aerobic) in the intervention group on adolescent weight loss with p value 0.045 (p <0.05) and value t count (2.170)> t table (17.05) is 1.730, in the control group there is no influence on Weight loss in adolescents as it obtained p value 0.230 (p> 0.05) and t value count (1.246) <t table (17: 0.05) is 1.730. Can be summarized in outline of this study there is influence weight loss adolescents in the intervention group or those given aerobic exercise, while for the control group there is no effect on weight loss.

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