
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of fermented vegetable waste flour on the rumen fluid of cows and goats that could improve the quality of feed nutrition. The study used two types of feed containing starch fermented vegetable waste flour and goat flour. The treatments tested were 0 (control), 10, 20, and 30% vegetable waste flour fermented cow rumen fluid (Test feed 1) and 0 (control), 10, 20, and 30% vegetable waste flour fermented goat rumen fluid. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively by comparing various literature. The results of the proximate analysis of amino acids, and test feed fatty acids with the addition of 20% fermented vegetable waste flour in cow rumen fluid showed that the crude protein content was higher, amino acids and fatty acids were higher compared to other treatments. Likewise with the addition of 10% vegetable waste flour fermented goat rumen fluid. The results showed that the crude protein content of feed C (the addition of 20% fermented vegetable rye flour fermented cow rumen fluid) was higher than other test and control feeds. The content of amino acids and fatty acids in the test feed is more optimal based on recommendations. Feed B (addition of 10% goat rumen liquid fermented vegetable waste) obtained 38.33% higher crude protein content, and 4.81% crude fiber. The content of amino acids and fatty acids is more optimal than the control and other test feed. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the addition of 20% fermented vegetable waste flour rumen cow liquid and 10% fermented goat rumen liquid vegetable waste flour can improve the nutritional quality of the test feed.

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