
Summary Comparisons were made using a total of 72 calves, including 19 Guernseys, 28 Holsteins and 25 Jerseys, to determine the effect, if any, of adding cod liver oil, as a vitamin A supplement to the rations commonly fed to calves during the period to six months of age. Alternate animals were fed 25–35 cc. cod liver oil daily beginning when the calf was only a few days old, in all other respects the plan of feeding was alike for both groups. Somewhat less digestive troubles occurred in the calves fed cod liver oil than among those in the non-supplemented groups. No significant difference was noted in any breed in rate of gain in height at withers between the calves fed cod liver oil and those in the check group. Adding cod liver oil to the ration had no evident effect on the rate of gain in weight of Holstein calves. The Guernsey and the Jersey calves fed cod liver oil, on the other hand, gained an average of 22.5 pounds and 17.5 pounds more per calf respectively during the 180-day period than those fed similar but non-supplemented rations.

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