
Theoretical and experimental terminal velocities of two African yam bean accessions (TSs 137 and TSs 138) atmoisture levels of 4, 8, 12, and 16% wet basis(w.b.), levels useful in the design of processing and handling equipment, werestudied. A Split Plot in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used for statistical analysis of data. The theoreticalterminal velocities were determined for particles by the commonly used aerodynamic equations while the actual terminalvelocity ranges were measured with an aspirator column. The observed terminal velocity range for the two accessions forall moisture content levels and feed rates was between 9.9 and 18.7 m/s. The theoretical values, calculated using thecorrelation of Cd NRe2 versus NRe, were found to be within 13% of the measured values. For different moisture contents andfeed rates, the limits of terminal velocity varied little but the intermediate paths were distinctly different. The curves of percentmaterial carried away versus velocity followed a sigmoid path. There was no statistically significant difference in terminalvelocities between accessions. There was a highly significant effect (p < 0.05) of moisture content and the method used tocalculate terminal velocities.

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