
Trilayered spin-1/2 Ising ferrimagnets are interesting thin systems for compensation phenomenon. In this work, a Metropolis Monte Carlo study is performed on the magnetic and thermodynamic response of such a system on square Bravais lattice, driven by uniform random external magnetic field with spatiotemporal variations. In two distinct configurations, the surface layers are made up of A and the middle layer is made up of B atoms in an ABA-type stacking while in AAB-type stacking, the top layer and the middle layer is made up of A atoms while the bottom layer is made up of B atoms. The magnetic coupling between the like atoms (A-A and B-B) is ferromagnetic while between the unlike atoms (A-B), it is antiferromagnetic. For the time-dependent external uniform random field, the mean is always set to zero and the standard deviation is varied until spin-field energy is comparable to the dominant cooperative energy of the system. The findings show that the observed compensation and critical points shift and steady-state magnetic behaviors shift among N, L, P, and Q, etc., type of ferrimagnetic behaviors, depending on the strength of external uniform random field. The compensation phenomenon even vanishes after crossing a finite threshold of standard deviation of the magnetic field for particular choices of the other controlling parameters. Thus islands of ferrimagnetic phase without compensation appear within the phase area with compensation of field-free case, in the two-dimensional Hamiltonian parameter space. For both the configurations, the areas of such islands even grow with increasing standard deviation of the external field, σ, obeying a scaling relation of the form: f(σ,A(σ))=σ^{-b}A(σ) with b_{ABA}=1.958±0.122 and b_{AAB}=1.783±0.118.

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