
The largest organ in the body, the skin, acts as an immediate barrier between internal tissues and the outside world. The body is shielded by the skin from microbial and chemical attack, as well as the effects of temperature. Skin conditions have a significant impact on a person's emotional and physical health. Psoriasis is one of the most significant skin conditions that have presented difficulties for the medical community. According to Ayurvedic medicine, skin conditions are referred to as Kushta (skin diseases). Kushta comes in eighteen different varieties. The symptoms of psoriasis are comparable to those of Sidhma Kushta which are discussed under Kshudra Kushtās (minor skin diseases). Azadirachta indica (Nimbha) leaves grinded with Sesame oil was the chosen paste from a traditional formula and this review's objective was to investigate how well this selected paste manages to treat Sidhma Kushta. Information about Sidhma Kushta was acquired from Ayurvedic scriptures, contemporary texts and earlier research studies (from primary and secondary sources). Afterwards a survey of the literature was done on this paste and then examined for their Pancha Padārtha (five elements of herb) and pharmacological qualities regarding in the management of Sidhma Kushta. Ayurvedic Pancha Padārtha study has revealed that selected paste has anti-inflammatory effects. The majority of studies have demonstrated the anti-inflammatory effects of selected paste and according to a literature review and Pancha Padārtha analyze, selected paste is useful in the treatment of Sidhma Kushta.

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